Draft Code of Ukraine on Bankruptcy Procedures: problematic issues of application of legislation

Draft Code of Ukraine on Bankruptcy Procedures: problematic issues of application of legislation

Topical issues of application of bankruptcy laws and ways of their solution

Topical issues of application of bankruptcy laws and ways of their solution

Second meeting of the Kharkiv Regional Justice Reform Council

Second meeting of the Kharkiv Regional Justice Reform Council

Development of volunteering in probation: pilot regions suggest their own ways of attracting new activists

Development of volunteering in probation: pilot regions suggest their own ways of attracting new activists

Chernivtsi oblast Prosecutor's Office enhances cooperation with the EU "Pravo-Justice" Project

Chernivtsi oblast Prosecutor's Office enhances cooperation with the EU "Pravo-Justice" Project

Bukovyna justice system representatives and the EU "Pravo-Justice" Project discussed the options of electronic file management

Bukovyna justice system representatives and the EU "Pravo-Justice" Project discussed the options of electronic file management

Achievements of Implementation of a New Approach to Offenders in Ukraine: Law on Probation Fourth Anniversary

Achievements of Implementation of a New Approach to Offenders in Ukraine: Law on Probation Fourth Anniversary

How Pravo-Justice assists in introducing the probation system in Ukraine

How Pravo-Justice assists in introducing the probation system in Ukraine
