Project components
component 1
Prosecutorial Reform and Prosecution for International Crimes
Experts of Component 1 of EU Project Pravo-Justice has been contributing to the reform of public prosecutors’ offices in Ukraine in accordance with best European standards by increasing the efficiency of their work and bringing the perpetrators to justice for committing international crimes.

component 2
Judicial reform
EU Project Pravo-Justice Component 2 experts work on various aspects of judiciary reform, provide expert support to judicial authorities, and also contribute to institutional capacity building of judiciary governance and administration bodies

component 3
Enforcement and Protection of Property Rights
The Enforcement and Protection of Property Rights Component is focused on protecting citizens’ right to a fair trial by building an effective system of enforcing court decisions, ensuring the protection of property rights by improving procedures for the enforcement of court decisions

component 4
Support to EU Integration Process in the Justice Sector
The EU Project Pravo-Justice Component 4 is focused on facilitation of dialogue between justice sector stakeholders, public diplomacy, monitoring and communication on EU accession process; assistance to MoJ with regard to the approximation process and EU-adhesion negotiations as well as supporting the legal education reform and providing other thematic support.

latest news & events

NGO IEC PRO Justice Will Explore the Application of the Law of Ukraine "On Administrative Procedure" and Judicial Control in Administrative Proceedings

EU Project Pravo-Justice Supported the Round Table Dedicated to the Discussion of Judicial Independence
results & reports
Key Results of the EU Project Pravo-Justice III (July-December 2024)
Key Results of the EU Project Pravo-Justice III (July-December 2024) that have been presented at the Steering Committee Meeting on 30 January 2025.
Remote Hearings in Civil, Commercial, and Administrative Proceedings
The Report provides a detailed analysis of court decisions denying applicants the right to a court hearing via videoconference for the period from 2020 to 2023.
The Shadow Report for Chapter 23 “Justice and Fundamental Rights” of the European Commission’s Report on Ukraine in 2023
The document, submitted to the European Commission, contains an assessment of the progress of reforms in the justice sector and covers the period from June 2023 to August 2024.
Expert Report on the Number of Judges and Human Resource Planning Methodologies
This paper aims to review and assess HR methodologies on the number of judges and court staff elaborated by the SJA and develop respective recommendations
Analysis of the Methodology for Calculating the Number of Judges Needed in Courts and Weighting Judicial Cases
This note provides a short analysis of the draft methodologies for calculating the number of judges and weighting judicial cases based on complexity and workload, developed by the SJA.
Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine
Expertise France
High Council of Justice
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
Office of the Prosecutor General
State Judicial Administration of Ukraine
High Qualification Comission of Judges of Ukraine
Supreme Court
State Enterprise "National Information Systems"
Department on Execution of Criminal Sanctions
State Institution "Probation Center"
State Property Fund of Ukraine
State Institution "Healthcare Center of the State Criminal Executive Service of Ukraine"
Constitutional Court of Ukraine