The New Composition of the HCJ Met with G7 Ambassadors in Ukraine and Representatives of International Organizations

The New Composition of the HCJ Met with G7 Ambassadors in Ukraine and Representatives of International Organizations

ХІ Judicial Forum Final Session dedicated to peculiarities of enforcing court decisions and considering certain categories of cases during martial law

ХІ Judicial Forum Final Session dedicated to peculiarities of enforcing court decisions and considering certain categories of cases during martial law

EU Project Pravo-Justice Completed a Training Course on the Principles of Mediation for MoJ

EU Project Pravo-Justice Completed a Training Course on the Principles of Mediation for MoJ

Legal and Institutional Aspects of Responsibility for War Crimes Prevalent During the Second Day of ХІ Judicial Forum

Legal and Institutional Aspects of Responsibility for War Crimes Prevalent During the Second Day of ХІ Judicial Forum

The Ukrainian justice system is preparing to apply international experience in war crimes investigations

The Ukrainian justice system is preparing to apply international experience in war crimes investigations

EU Project Pravo-Justice Supported the participation of the Office of the Prosecutor General in the International Conference on the Prevention of Conflict-related Sexual Violence

EU Project Pravo-Justice Supported the participation of the Office of the Prosecutor General in the International Conference on the Prevention of Conflict-related Sexual Violence