Project provides expert and technical assistance for the implementation of the Unified Judiciary Informational Telecommunication System

8.08.2019 |


International Key Expert on e-justice Ivar Tallo briefed representatives of the High Council of Justice on Estonia's experience in implementing e-justice. The expert noted that the best practices of European countries show that it is necessary to create a system that will unite not only the courts, but also the prosecuting authorities, the police, the executive service, and others.

Evaluating the work on UJITS technical development, the expert noted that the seven first UJITS modules, which have already been developed and are at different levels of readiness, will give the opportunity to raise the work of the courts to a new level, and later it will be possible to add other modules. At the same time, Ivar Tallo said that the introduction of these modules into the courts would take a long time. It is necessary to carry out systematic training of employees and to integrate the materials of the courts into the digitized system.

Key National Expert on e-justice Polina Kazakevych informed about the training of court staff in working with the e-court system and assured the readiness of the Project to provide expert evaluation of the state of the technical development of UJITS.

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