The Course ‘Working with Vulnerable Witnesses in War Crimes Trials’ Has Started

28.03.2025 |

On 27 March, the training course 'Working with Vulnerable Witnesses in War Crimes Trials' started. In total, more than thirty judges, assistant judges and court staff members from different regions of Ukraine are participating in the training course.

The training was developed by the National School for the Judiciary of France (ENM) with the support of EU Project Pravo-Justice and in cooperation with the National School of Judges of Ukraine. The course, in particular, provides attendees with a unique opportunity to deepen their knowledge and skills in working with vulnerable witnesses and to learn about international standards and practices.

Key topics to be covered in the training:

  • Psychological support for war crimes victims and witnesses.
  • Preparing vulnerable witnesses and interviewing them.
  • Protecting the rights of victims of sexual violence.
  • Best practices for working with different types of witnesses in international proceedings.

Bohdan Monich, Chair of the Council of Judges of Ukraine, noted that in present-day context, judges must not only have profound legal skills but also a deep understanding of human nature.

"When it comes to war crimes victims and witnesses, we must realise that their voice is vital for establishing the truth and restoring justice. Our ability to ensure that they are treated with dignity and professionalism impacts not only the quality of justice but also the trust towards the judiciary as a whole. That is why this training is not only an opportunity to gain new knowledge and skills but also a platform for sharing experience with international experts and a chance to learn about the best international practices," emphasised Bohdan Monich.

In her turn, Olha Bulka, Deputy Head of the State Judicial Administration of Ukraine, underscored that it is essential to introduce special services for vulnerable categories of court users, including war crimes victims and witnesses.

"Our shared mission is to ensure effective justice in line with international standards. The practices of international tribunals show that victims and witnesses of war crimes should be provided with versatile support. This includes information support, reducing psychological pressure, stress, and anxiety, creating special facilities in the courtroom, and support outside the courthouse," noted Olha Bulka.

Olha Sribniak, Deputy Team Leader of EU Project Pravo-Justice, hopes that the training will contribute to strengthening the principles of justice in Ukraine and help judges and court staff members overcome the challenges of today.

"We acknowledge that Ukrainian judges face extraordinary challenges. It is particularly evident in working with vulnerable witnesses in war crimes cases as it necessitates both professional qualifications and personal sensitivity. We are sincerely grateful to our partners for their cooperation. This is not the first training we are delivering with this team. In particular, in 2023, we co-organised a training course for judges and prosecutors on the particularities of interviewing vulnerable witnesses in war crimes cases. The attendees highly appreciated the course and encouraged us to further pursue our efforts in this area," emphasised Olha Sribniak.

In her turn, Yelyzaveta Kovtiuk, lecturer and coordinator of the Department for Training of Trainers of the National School of Judges of Ukraine, emphasised that training courses for judges play an extremely important role. She noted that with the ongoing war in Ukraine, the number of war crimes is constantly growing, and the number of victims and witnesses of such crimes is also increasing. Working with such victims requires special knowledge and skills.

The first session of the training course featured a presentation "The Concept of Vulnerability, Psychosocial Support for Victims and Witnesses. International Practices", presented by Dr. Jan Ilhan Kizilhan, Director of Institute for Transcultural Health Science, Stuttgart/Heilbronn – Center for Advance Studies. He also shared his own research findings.

"I am convinced that justice should heal, not harm. That is why it is crucial to master new knowledge and skills on how to interview victims and witnesses of war crimes. We must treat them with respect, take care of them and support them even after the proceedings are over," summed up Jan Ilhan Kizilhan.