Change management in the penitentiary system and improving the professional training system: EU Pravo-Justice Project held a seminar for specialists

A three-day workshop on strategic planning, change management, and approaches to problem solving at the level of an authority or institution was held in Krakow on 22-24 August with the support of EU Pravo-Justice Project. Moreover, the participants learned the basics of project planning and tools for engaging key stakeholders and working with them. These tools and methods were considered in the context of the implementation of the Penitentiary Reform Strategy (for the period up to 2026), in particular with a view to developing a professional training system that would meet the needs of the State Penitentiary Service and the State Institution “Probation Centre” and promote the observance of prisoners’ and convicts’ rights.

The event was attended by representatives of the Penitentiary Department, the Academy of the State Penitentiary Service and the Institute of Professional Development.

“The aim of the Project is to support the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine in implementing the objectives of the Strategy, in particular, to support the system of alternative sanctions, as well as to apply an approach aimed at re-socialisation and rehabilitation of convicts,” said Iryna Zharonkina, Property Rights and Enforcement Component Lead of EU Pravo-Justice Project.”

The event was conducted by Sally Lester and Valerie McNearney (UK), EU Pravo-Justice Project experts. During the workshop, they analysed strategic thinking approaches, helped to identify the challenges in the Ukrainian penitentiary system and discussed ways to address them together with the training participants.

“We are grateful to EU Pravo-Justice Project for the opportunity to participate in such a useful event for the Academy of the State Penitentiary Service, which will enable us to change approaches and improve the training process of the penitentiary staff in the future,” said Yuliia Petrovska, Acting Rector of the Penitentiary Academy.

According to Nataliia Naulik, Director of the Institute of Professional Development of the Penitentiary Academy, the management tools and project implementation methods proposed at the workshop are helpful and can be used in the Academy’s activities.

“Following the results of cooperation with the Pravo-Justice Project and British experts, we intend to develop a training on project planning for the Institute’s activities, as well as to ensure updating training methods in the educational process,” Nataliia Naulik summed up.