Training for Judges on the International Legal Dimension of the Crime of Aggression was held

27.08.2024 |

Training for Judges on the International Legal Dimension of the Crime of Aggression was held with the support of EU Project Pravo-Justice and the National School of Judges of Ukraine.

The purpose of the event was to build the judges’ professional knowledge of international criminal law on the crime of aggression and the history of the definition and evolution of this crime. In particular, the training participants touched upon the difference between "jus ad bellum" and "jus in bello", the meaning of the elements of "nature, gravity and widespread extent", as well as the arguments in cases concerning the crime of aggression since the Nuremberg Military Tribunal.

Kevin Jon Heller, Special Adviser to ICC Prosecutor, who joined the training, noted that Ukrainian judges now face a challenging and largely unprecedented task - to consider cases of aggression during the ongoing armed conflict.

"Their courage and commitment to the rule of law are vital to ensuring accountability," said Kevin Jon Heller.

Anna Stakhanova, trainer at the event, Key Expert on accountability for international crimes at EU Project Pravo-Justice, stressed that it is crucial to train judges on international law and improve their professional skills.

"Improving the professional expertise and skills of judges, prosecutors and defence lawyers in the field of international criminal law is extremely important given the decision to ratify the Rome Statute in Ukraine. It is important not only to understand the basic concepts but also to properly apply them in practice," she concluded.