Dnistrianskyi Centre Commences Research on the Effectiveness of Judiciary Governance in Ukraine

3.03.2025 |

In the framework of a grant from EU Project Pravo-Justice implemented by Expertise France, NGO Dnistrianskyi Centre is embarking on the project "Assessing the Functional Effectiveness of Judicial Governance and Self-Governance Bodies".

"Currently, there are a number of managerial and structural challenges related to the governance mechanisms in the Ukrainian judiciary. With the support of EU Project Pravo-Justice, we will analyse the mandate and functions of judicial governance and self-governance bodies and propose steps towards eliminating overlaps among them, optimising their structure and aligning it with the Constitution of Ukraine, international standards and EU requirements," said Ivan Horodyskyi, Director of the Dnistrianskyi Centre.

In particular, while implementing the project, Dnistrianskyi Centre experts will:

  • produce an analytical report reviewing judicial governance bodies in Ukraine and identifying gaps in their mandate and functions related to governance of the judiciary;
  • prepare recommendations for optimising the managerial mandate of the judiciary governance bodies using analytical expertise, EU requirements and standards;
  • draw up an action plan for implementing the recommendations and required legislative amendments;
  • discuss the elaborated recommendations with representatives of the legal community, the judiciary and policy experts;
  • develop a number of analytical materials throughout the project implementation.

"Judicial governance and self-governance bodies are vital for the successful implementation of judicial reform and strengthening the rule of law. That is why EU Project Pravo-Justice supports the initiative of the Dnistrianskyi Centre, which offers analytical expertise, practical recommendations and a solid focus on European standards. This comprehensive approach drawing on the involvement of independent experts will contribute not only to the strategic development of the judiciary, but also to progress on the path of European integration for Ukraine, particularly under Chapter 23," emphasised Olha Sribniak, Deputy Team Leader of EU Project Pravo-Justice.

Background information.

NGO Dnistrianskyi Center is an analytical and advocacy platform uniting experts in law and politics. The Center studies the issues that are of concern for the society, develop solutions, and elaborate long-term strategies for their implementation.

EU Project Pravo-Justice is a technical assistance project implemented by Expertise France with thefinancial support of the European Union.

After the victory of the Revolution of Dignity, EU Project Pravo-Justice became one of the drivers in promoting the rule of lawin Ukraine, bringing the country’s legislative framework in line with European standards, developing a strategic vision of reforms, judicial reform, properenforcement of judgments, etc. Not only it contributes to the spread of European practices in the Ukrainian justice system, providing constant expert support to judicial authorities, but also acts as a catalyst for change, laying the foundation for Ukraine’s integration into the EU.