Donbas Regional Justice Reform Council
Olena Fonova
Donbas Regional Justice Reform Council Coordinator
Doctor of Law. Judicial spokespersons, judge of Commercial Court of Luhansk region, teacher of the National School of Judges of Ukraine
Dmytro Voronko
Judge of the High Anti-Corruption Court
Olena Skovorodina
Head of the Commercial Court of Donetsk Region
Kostiantyn Kharakoz
Judge of the Commercial Court of Donetsk region
Anastasiia Mykhailychenko
Judge of the Kramatorsk City Court of Donetsk region
Sofiia Danyliv
Judge of the Krasnoarmeysk City District Court of Donetsk Region
Yevhen Cherepovskyi
Judge of the Donetsk District Administrative Court
Yanina Osmak
lawyer, trainer for Free Legal Aid lawyers, participant of The Council of Europe Project “Strengthening the Human Rights Protection of IDPs in Ukraine”
Dmytro Golikov
Lawyer, member of the Ukrainian Bar Association
Liudmila Volkova
lawyer, advisor to the "Avellum and partners" law firm
Victoria Vorona
Lawyer, head of the board of NGO "Donbas Gate"
Myhailo Klimenko
Head of the Luhansk regional Arbitration Managers Council, lawyer
Vitalii Bilichenko
Head of the Donetsk regional Arbitration Managers Council, lawyer
Mykhailo Kynyshenko
Arbitration manager, lawyer
Olga Shapovalova
Doctor of Law, professor. Head of the Department of economic law of Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University. Leading researcher of the Department of legal support of sectoral innovative development of the Research institute of legal support of innovative development of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine
Vitalii Kadala
Head of the Department of civil and commercial law of the Donetsk Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine
Bohdan Derevianko
Professor of the Department of civil and commercial law of the Donetsk Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine
Vadym Laznikov
Head of the Department for regulatory and legal work and decentralization of the Luhansk Regional State Administration
Alvidas Medalinskas
Deputy chairman of the Donbass Gate NGO, politologist
Oleksandr Kukoba
Judge of the Poltava District Administrative Court, Associate Professor of the Law and Finance Department, Poltava Institute of Economics and Law, Ph.D in Law.
Hanna Lebedieva
Judge, Mykolaiv district administrative court, PhD