Міжнародний експерт для Впровадження системи підтримки вразливих груп користувачів суду

Background and Justification

In 2018, Pravo-Justice launched the Model Courts Initiative (MCI) aimed at ensuring that greater user and service orientation are the key factors in the modern approach to the delivery of justice in Ukraine. Through the MCI, the Project is helping pilot a number of initiatives in 6 selected courts across Ukraine, with a view to improving client service through front-office facilities, better handling of vulnerable groups of court users, institutionalisation of user satisfaction surveys and piloting of other modern management initiatives.

In June 2019, national and international experts of the MCI presented the MCI Handbook developed as a result of their joint efforts carried out in coordination with numerous Ukrainian legal professionals and representatives of the civil society active in the field of justice. The Handbook envisages the guidelines for all involved in the multifaceted process of court management, right from the initial phase of planning and erecting a new courthouse or refurbishing an existing one to the every-day court operations carried on by judges and court staff. The Handbook not only serves as a toolkit that provides users with the knowledge of particular potential solutions, but also contains a set of tools for its implementation.

A significant part of the MCI recommendations refers to a need of establishing and promotion of a system of support and protection for vulnerable groups of courts users, including witnesses and victims of specific types of violent crimes. The Ukrainian judiciary is not responsive enough to these needs, especially that the systematic approach to address them is still missing. The perception of unfair treatment and the perceived inexistence of support services, including primary legal information and advice, are further barriers in access to justice system.

In the upcoming months, the Project will be focusing on implementation of the MCI recommendations, also through establishing of the model system of support for vulnerable groups of courts users. The scope and complexity of the task requires involvement of an International Expert for a longer period than in case of a short – term mission.


• Ensure better performance of judicial system of Ukraine through increasing its responsiveness to the needs of poor and vulnerable groups in accordance with the best European practices.

Target Groups / Beneficiaries

HCJ, SJA, Council of Judges, other stakeholders.

Relevance for JSRSAP

High relevance. The mission is directly relevant for the implementation of Chapters 2 and 4 of JSRSAP and the Annual Implementation Plans (AIPs) 2019 under these Chapters.


Assisting in establishment of the model system of support for vulnerable groups of courts users in the selected courts in accordance with the best European standards and practices;

Developing Standard Operation Procedure necessary for functioning of the system of support for vulnerable groups of courts users;

Developing templates, training curricula and instruction materials for court managers and staff involved in the system;

Conducting trainings of court staff and other relevant professionals to raise their awareness of particular user needs.


Outputs associated with the assignment will include, under all of the tasks mentioned above:

• Framework of implementation activities (to be developed by the mid-September 2019)

• Interim (technical) report as to carrying out/guiding/supporting implementation of MCI Handbook recommendations (early November 2019).

Experts’ Profile

The assignment requires service of 1 international mid-term expert with the following (minimum) qualifications:

• A graduate degree in law;

• Minimum of 5 years’ experience in the justice reform sector;

• Experience in development of similar systems and in relevant training;

• Fluency in written and verbal communication in English.


• Implementation activities, reports and other deliverables are to be coordinated with IKE on Component 2.


50 working days (WDs) by ISTE.

• Expert to provide the deliverables mentioned above.

Location and Duration

The mission is expected to take place in Kyiv during August 2019 – January 2020. Some workdays may be invoiced from home-base upon preliminary approval.

Please send your CV and resume to anna.adamska@pravojustice.eu before 15 August 2019